My Favorite Things
Skater’s Advocate (Leica M2 on Kodak BW400CN
When I sat down to write this blog, I had to consider: what is a favorite accessory and why? There are a lot of cameras, lenses and random things I like about film photography, but only a few are what I would say are a favorite for me. Even when there is something I really like, there is usually a preference for one use and a second for a slightly different purpose. Some might change, while others are rock solid I won’t even bother trying to find better.
First and foremost, when I started shooting film again there was only one accessory I specifically sought out. When I was a kid, we had a “hippy” neck strap on my mom’s Minolta x700, and it was the epitome of style for me. I have collected a nice little assortment of these in various patterns and colors, but the one I like best is this blue/white/red one I’ve seen in many used camera packages over the last few years. It’s not super comfortable, and the clips aren’t very stable to use for heavier cameras, but they look so cool. There are several companies that make similar types, and in some cases identical copies, but it doesn’t quite feel the same. Most camera shops I’ve stopped in have some version if you can’t find a vintage copy and don’t mind a newer style of connection. I’ve yet to see one with the old style of metal clips, all the new ones have d-style material connections.
For times I need a more sturdy or more comfortable strap I have only found one affordable one I really like. Op/Tech makes a very nice (but kind of boring) series of straps. I have a few of the older base models and one of the new updated models. The red one pictured here was a replacement I received when I asked if they could repair a clip I broke on a 20+ year old strap. They really seem to stand behind their product and their customer service was very responsive. The only real problem I’ve had with these is the neoprene makes my neck a little sweaty when hiking. Not enough to be distracting but I air it out a little before putting it away.
For carry bags I have tried dozens of different types. I seem to accumulate these very fast. Whenever I buy a new camera, it comes with at least one bag. Thrift shops and garage sales also seem to sell these in extraordinary numbers. While I would love to have one of the new Nomatic Peter McKinnon bags, I don’t love the price tag. I have tinkered with one at a shop, but they just don’t seem any better for my casual use than the two I am going to talk about here. My favorites are just well constructed basic bags I picked up and have used whenever I need something more than just a body and lens. The first is a Tamrac 3350. I believe it’s also called the Aero 50. It’s just big enough to carry a camera with lens, in addition to another small or medium lens. I will generally use it when I do a photo walk around town or need to carry a little extra gear, light meter or don’t want to carry my keys and wallet in a pocket. I picked this up at a consignment store for $5, and it is built much better than a $5 bag. I see it available on websites still from time to time at retail price (around $80), but there are hundreds of similar bags available out there for around the $5-10 range and I would wait to find that before paying retail on a 2011 model.
When I need a more substantial kit, like going on a road trip, I have yet another Tamrac bag: the Expedition 5. This was included when I bought a digital camera and has enough space for a large camera, telephoto lens, flash, 2-3 prime lenses and still have plenty of extra space. I have yet to fill this bag even when prepping for a two week road trip to Yellowstone National Park. This is not intended to be used as a professional bag and I would not recommend it for that either. Its construction is soft sided and only offers canvas padding as protection. It has held up well though for being a 15-year-old canvas bag.
If you stick around long enough to read my blog over time, you will notice I have an affinity for manual focus cameras without a built-in light meter. This means I need to use a handheld light meter. When I looked at what other photographers were using on the internet, I noticed a lot of them use and recommend Sekonic meters. They look great and offer way more features than I will ever need. I am the kind of person that just wants basic information to make my photo look the way I see it at the time I take it. I’ve tried a couple ranging from ancient 1950’s models up to a 1980 Minolta Flash Meter III. They all work well enough in good light, but as my wife has told me on more than one occasion, “I don’t want to learn the information, I just want to be given the answer.” The easiest and most accurate meter I’ve gotten my hands on is my Quantum Calcu-Light XP. It has worked perfectly in bright light, shadows and even the middle of the night with only a backlit church sign as the only source of light. All I need to do is press a single button, turn the dial to the number it indicates and read the settings for aperture and shutter speed I want to use. It was top of the line in 1980 and sold for $160 ($590 in 2023) but can be had now ranging in price from $5-50. I spent more on the 4 LR44 batteries than I did on the meter itself. The only electronic indicator is a 2-digit LED readout which is quite a departure from its contemporaries and especially when compared to current models. I have no intention of ever even looking for a new meter as long as this one is working.
Finally, I had to consider my favorite film. I prefer to shoot in black and white. The only stock I ever get genuinely excited to shoot isn’t even available anymore. Kodak discontinued BW400CN in 2014. Occasionally, I get a roll and I always save it for something special. It has fine grain and as long as I overexpose it just a tiny bit it has turned out perfectly every time. The photos I posted below were shot on a camera I have waited decades to own or even shoot, with a blog post about it coming very soon. There are some other similar film rolls available theoretically, but they don’t feel the same. On a day-to-day basis I will shoot Ilford HP5 every time though. It’s cheap, has decent grain and best of all it available every time I need to buy new film.
Thank you for reading and I genuinely appreciate you spending even a little time with me today.
Shoe-to shoot (Leica M2, Kodak BW400CN)
Skater’s Advocate Backroom (Leica M2, Kodak BW400CN)